.... that's what we've been up to, general shenannigans.School ended for Brynn last week and all of the Handley chicks are officially on summer vacation. After wallowing in misery over the end of first grade for all of 10 minutes, my darling baby said to my husband "Daddy, you know last year when school ended I was so pissed off ... this year I am not angry at all!" Pissed off?!?! She's 7 for god's sake!!! Where the #@!& she gets language like that is beyond me ;)2 Okay, so maybe mommy does talk like a sailor ... could it be time to actually start watching what I say around the kiddies? Anyhoo, we've had constant rain storms this week, so Brynn's dream of going to the pool every single day of summer has already been shattered. We did get one good day in (that's Brynn with BFF Amber in the pool above). Julia is now just one of the kids ... she's running around and bothering her sister like a good sibling should. In a few weeks we'll leave for NC to visit my FIL. Brynn doesn't really remember her "Bad Paw" so this should be a really great trip for her ... if you ignore the 12 hours it will take to drive there. I wonder if she will ever ask me if I have a father? She already gets that my mommy is in heaven, but I guess the idea of dads who don't care about their kids (let alone their grandchildren) hasn't crossed her mind yet. Okay, so I am a little bitter ... it comes out every year right before father's day.
Our little group of Wenzhou girls has had some major developments this month! This week Deb's daughter, Ellarie, had her palate closed and mom reports she is recovering very nicely. Here's hoping that this will be the only surgery necessary :) And in huge news ... Meilyn is home with her family!!! Well, at least she's on a plane to the US as I type, so close enough ;) I am so happy for Cortney and her clan. I can't wait to get these girls back together one day!!
My brother and MB are finally, officially engaged ... as in she has a ring now. The date is October 14th of this year ... yeah, my brother is getting debt for his 28th birthday! Holy crap ... he's 28! How do I manage to stay eternally youthful while everyone continues to age around me ;)
Love your new pics of Brynn and Julia! Hope your 12 hour trip to NC went well! Take Care
You have to post more! Your posts just crack me up every time I read them....you have a gift for it.
Kim (Wenzhou mommy)
Isn't Julia birthday coming up? Please let me know I would love to send her something! Please write! Missing you!
Take Care, Cortney
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