Monday, March 12, 2007

Happy Monday!

We are enjoying ourselves immensely here at the White Swan. Julia continues to do great ... lots of smiles, high-fives and lots of babbling. She says ma-ma, but I am pretty sure it just means "give me some food ... now!" The pace of shopping has picked up and I am confident I can break the bank before we leave Thursday morning :)

Today we visited the Jade and Pearl markets, which was very overwhelming. Bought more squeeky shoes and lots of other useless crap :) We had the joyous experience of hailing our own taxi home from Carrefour (where we did not find a car seat ... so word to the wise, if you really want to make sure you have a car seat for the plane, bring it from home!) At this point, I don't think we're going to find one and I am having panic attacks about the idea of flying with an unrestrained toddler for 17 hours. Ahhhh, the joys of parenthood. (My childless friends should insert hearty belly laugh here)

Julia's latest game is head butting and head shaking. The head butting hurts ... big time. But she laughs and laughs each time she knocks mommy in the nose with her forehead. The head shaking ... I have not a clue. All we can surmise is that our child likes jostling her brains about.

Anyhoo, the princess is sleeping so it is time for the hubby and I to watch some exciting TV .... maybe CNN, maybe Chinese Badminton ... oh, I can't wait!


Julie Stromberg said...

Oooooo, sounds like you are all having a great time together now that everyone is healthy! You will be happy to know that spring has officially sprung... so you guys will be coming home to warm weather and the few remaining patches of dirty black snow. I can't wait to give Julia the York Playground Tour. LOL! Baby's first trip to Handels for ice cream? Baby's first walk up the street to Aunt Julie's house? LOL!!! Have I mentionned that I cannot wait to see you all on Thursday?!?!? Love ya, Julie

ILoveMartinGore said...

Julia is sooooooo pretty!!

Anonymous said...

Julia is so beautiful! It sounds like she is just doing amazing with you! I can't wait till your home so I can get long emails from you on everything I need to learn for my trip to China!
Take Care, Cortney
(another Wenzhou mommmy)