Thursday, March 29, 2007

Settling in Just Fine

Julia discovered the food pantry ... she literally spent half an hour pulling food off of the shelves :)

We've been having adventures in pediatric care ... We took julia for her first check-up with the same Peds office we take Brynn too. What a difference though! This doctor seemed to have no idea about issues with adopted children. She didn't understand that children in institutionalized care would be delayed in fine and gross motor skills, including speech. Don't even get me started about the nurse there ... let's just sum her up this way, she was going to stick Julia with 2 shots at one time. One in each hand. At the same time!!! The doctor had to stop her ... geesh. Anyway, we've switched Peds and are very happy with our new Ped. If you're in York, PA and want the name just email me. We also took Julia to the Johns Hopkins cleft clinic. I can't say enough wonderful things about them. In one (long) afternoon, she was seen by an audiologist, an ENT, a speech therapist, a pediatric dentist and the plastic surgeon. All her testing has come out fine so far and it looks like her repair in China was done well. We'll know for sure in a few months wether or not a revision will be necessary. She did test positive for TB exposure (positive PPD) so unfortunately, we will have to do a year of Isonaiazid as a precaution.

She is adjusting great, I wish I was doing so well :) I am not sure what the future holds for my school career right now. I am still behind in my classes from the trip and today I totally bombed 2 tests. Also, I missed 2 classes to take Julia to the new Ped. Maybe this is why most people chose to complete college before they have children? I don't know, I know if I withdraw I am not going back ... and I am having a really hard time accepting that I may never get that BA. On the other hand, my kids (and DH) deserve to have me not being insane and stressed 24/7.

Words to the wise ... college and kids don't mix :)

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